School Hours
  • The school day begins at 8.00 am with registration and time for teachers to deal with pastoral matters and pupils to complete routine daily tasks.

  • Registration is followed by POTs. This is a physical wakeup for all children and the sessions are led by our Physiotherapist & Occupational Therapist.

  • Lessons begin after POTs and continue until approximately 10.30am when children have a mid-morning break and snack.

  • Lessons resume at 11.00 am and continue until 1.00 pm, when the school day ends with registration.

  • On a Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, children in the upper school access the ACCA curriculum. They remain at school until 2.30pm on these days.

  • Once a week the whole school gathers together when we hold an assembly to celebrate the efforts and achievements of the children at the academy – we call this our Weekly Celebration..